Drukarnia Petit
07.12.2021 Petit Bez kategorii

Word for to Confirm an Agreement

When it comes to confirming an agreement, there are a few different words and phrases you can use depending on the context and the level of formality that is required. Here are some options to consider:

1. Agree: This is a simple and straightforward way to indicate that you are on board with the terms of the agreement. For example, you might say „I agree to the terms of the contract” or „We agreed to meet at 2 PM.”

2. Accept: This word has a slightly more formal tone and suggests that you are actively embracing the terms of the agreement. For example, you might say „I accept your offer” or „We accept your proposal for the project.”

3. Confirm: This word implies that there was some prior discussion or negotiation around the agreement, and that you are now making it official. For example, you might say „I can confirm that we have agreed to the terms you proposed” or „Please confirm that you have received our signed agreement.”

4. Ratify: This is an even more formal term that suggests the agreement has been approved by a higher authority or governing body. For example, you might say „The board has ratified the new contract” or „Our lawyers have ratified the terms of the settlement.”

5. Covenant: This term has a legal connotation and refers to a solemn and binding agreement between two parties. For example, you might say „We have entered into a covenant to share profits from the joint venture” or „The parties covenanted to keep the terms of the settlement confidential.”

Ultimately, the word or phrase you choose to confirm an agreement will depend on the context and the level of formality required. However, it`s always important to make sure that both parties are clear on the terms of the agreement and that there is a mutual understanding of what has been confirmed.