Petit (EN)
Posted on 27/03/2022 by Petit on Uncategorized

Security Agreements Crossword

Security agreements crossword: Testing your knowledge on security agreements

If you`re in the finance or legal industry, you must have come across the term “security agreement.” A security agreement refers to a legal document that outlines the collateral offered by a borrower to a lender as security for a loan. Understanding this agreement is crucial to both borrowers and lenders, as it helps ensure that the transaction goes smoothly.

Whether you`re a beginner or an experienced professional, one fun way to test your knowledge of security agreements is by solving a crossword puzzle. Below is a security agreements crossword that will help you learn about this important legal document.


– The crossword contains eight clues related to security agreements.

– Each clue has a corresponding blank space in the crossword that you need to fill with the correct answer.

– The answers can be found in the definitions of each clue.

Ready to test your knowledge? Let`s get started!


1. A security agreement is a type of _______________.

3. A security interest may attach to many types of _______________.

6. When a borrower defaults on a loan, the lender can seize the _______________.

7. A security agreement is a type of _______________ agreement.

8. A borrower that pledges collateral in a security agreement is known as the _______________.


1. A borrower gives a _______________ interest in collateral to a lender.

2. A financing statement is used to _______________ the security interest in the collateral.

4. A security interest must be _______________ to be enforceable.

5. A security agreement creates a _______________ on the collateral.



1. contract

3. property

6. collateral

7. lending

8. pledgor


1. security

2. perfect

4. authenticated

5. lien


Solving a security agreements crossword is a fun way to test your knowledge of this important legal document. The answers to the clues help you understand the key concepts and terms related to security agreements. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can better understand how security agreements work and ensure that any transactions involving them go smoothly.